This week I was asked to write some personal Psalms for a particular class I am taking. The assignment seemed simple enough: Compose two original psalms, one a Psalm of Praise and one a Psalm of Lament. Make these personal and genuine.
Well, at least it sounded simple on the surface. I as started writing, though, I found this to be a deeply moving exercise. I may sound a bit "cheesy," but I certainly think you might benefit by doing this yourself. Give yourself a chance to put the emotions of your heart on paper, pour yourself out to God through your pen.
At the risk of displaying the stench of my heart, I felt it oddly necessary to share one of my own Psalms, a Psalm of Lament:
Psalm of Lament
Why, O God, does my heart flutter and fail;
Why does my soul cry out in anguish?
I have sinned against You, my Lord;
With my deeds I have failed You again.
My sins, guilt, and shame torment my spirit;
I feel as though You are far away from sight.
My sins are like weights that crush my soul;
I am rubbish and dead by what I have done.
Why do I run in my own direction, apart from Your paths?
My ways are false, fruitless, and full of futility.
Your methods are pure and upright, leading to life abundant;
My schemes are selfish, evil, grotesque, and hypocritical.
Temptation beckons to my spirit, and pleads for my soul;
Sin calls out to me, luring my heart from Your ways.
How, O Father, have I come so far?
I am miles from the comfort of Your love.
I am ruined, yes destroyed, by my sin.
There is no life apart from righteousness.
Bring me back, merciful Forgiver, O gracious One;
Accept my wayward soul in spite of my wandering Heart.
Mercy and forgiveness are the things I seek;
Can there still be hope for one like me?
I plead and pray to You, to You alone;
You, yes only You, are my one true hope.
Be my Deliverer, my Rescuer, my Savior;
Be my Redeemer, Be my God.
Plumb Lines
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, August 19, 2011
A REAL Bucket List

Best-selling author Erma Brombeck said, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me." Perhaps this should really be the heart of a legitimate bucket list. Without meaning to scrutinize others' dreams, I can't help but question whether or not we have adopted a shallow concept of what a real bucket list should look like. Admittedly, my initial thoughts for a personal list includes (in random order):
- Earn my pilot's license
- Sail from Panama City to the Caribbean Islands
- Watch a Red Sox/Yankees game from the top of the Green Monster
- Bag an Alaskan Moose to have mounted and placed above my fireplace
- Travel with Claire to New Guinea
- Travel to meet my Compassion Int'l child in Africa to hug him and tell him face-to-face that I really do love him
- Preach God's love and grace to students every month
- Build a home for a family as an expression of God's desire to bless people
- Adopt a child who feels unloved to show them how precious they truly are
- Smile regularly - even when I feel discouraged
- Invite more people to have dinner with my family
- Pray with Claire to God the Father daily
- Hug my mom and dad every chance I get
Now, if you care to share I would love to hear from you - what's on your real bucket list?
Bucket List,
Rachel Beckwith,
Tim McGraw
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Wayman Family is in the process of adopting a child from Africa (Ethiopia I believe). If you would like to join them in their cause to share love with the children of the world, and look stylish at the same time, then you can purchase one of these shirts off their website. The proceeds will be used to help the Wayman's with the costs of bringing home their bundle of joy. As I think about the incredible example of love demonstrated by those who pursue children in adoption I am reminded of God's love for us. He is the ultimate example love and calls us His very own sons and daughters: 2 Corinthians 6:18 - I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Solid Rock Bible Camp

Tomorrow, just after lunch, I will take off from Dallas, TX headed for Solid Rock Bible Camp just outside Great Bend, Kansas! This is a great opportunity for me to share the Truth of Christ with some eager middle school students in an environment perfect for spiritual growth. Getting outdoors and surrounding myself with God's creation does wonders for my soul (as I think it does for most people). This camp offers plenty of time for students and staff to get outdoors and play lots of group games, hit the swimming pool, and even go horseback riding. I will be speaking throughout the week and praying for God's Word to work on all of our hearts. As is normally case, I am filled with anxiousness and excitement as I get all my ducks in a row for the students. For some reason preaching always tends to work me in a frenzy! I am reminded, though, that God will be faithful to do His thing and that I need not sweat the small stuff. This week should be a blast, but I also pray that it will be fruitful. My mission and prayer is to lead the students to a more faithful life, one in which they realize the priceless value of the Cross and engage their hearts fully in God. I hope you will take a moment to join with me in this prayer for these students. May their hearts become fully alive and pleasing to Him!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Year/New Push

Friday, December 10, 2010
1 Gift - 2 People
This is awesome. I love when people put their creative thinking to work and use it to solve dilemmas in our world. There are so many ways we can make positive impacts in our cultures, societies, and around the planet that it really is a shame we don't do it more often. Well, here is a solid way to make an impact while turning on the light in another person's brain. Check out the website and do some reading. Read what the organization's purpose is and ask yourself, "How much would I really appreciate a clean, fresh gallon of water? Especially if there was no clean water available?" Now, get busy helping other people and provide for a major need in their life. Water. It's just water. But for millions of folks water is not just water. It's precious. Do yourself a favor this month: Buy some water from the Maji Water website and pour into another person's life. Give some bottles of Maji Water to friends and family for Christmas and get them on board, too. Heck, make it your Christmas tradition. While you're out making a difference buying water for others remember what Christ has done for you, "Whoever drinks the of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." Buy water from Maji Water.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Dude! It's a Double-Rainbooooowwwww! What does it mean?
This video had me cracking up! I couldn't stop laughing and the guys that watched with me were seriously crying because it is so funny! The guy who video's this is something different to say the least, but in a way I can't blame him for his reaction to what he sees. Think about this: Romans 1:20 explains that we will be able to experience a little bit of the goodness of God through His creation. While this guy certainly seems to be enthralled by the beauty of the rainbow I don't think it is out of the question for humans to sometimes become overwhelmed with the beauty of God's creation. Plus this is just a hilarious video. Have fun.
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