Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Given the Chance

Perhaps one of the biggest problems with Christian people is that we rarely give God a chance to do His thing in our lives. I believe that God would love for us to trust Him more with the choices that we make in our lives. Also, I think that we should give Him a chance to conquer sin in our lives. It's been my experience that most people seek to deal with temptation individually. We think that we have the ability to outwit, outmaneuver, and outperform temptation with self-control, willpower, and knowledge. The truth is, Jesus is the only one to conquer temptation and defeat Satan. That's why it's foolish for us to attempt to battle temptation with our own strength. We must realize, humbly, that we are fleshly creatures with a tendency to live for ourselves - not God. He is the only one who can provide the holiness we need in order to effectively combat our spiritual enemy. We must give Him a chance. Until then we will continue to run on the treadmill of defeat and shame. Jesus proved His power on the Cross and offers His help to us in order that, like Him, we can be victors against the Evil one. We must give God a chance. We must give prayer a chance. We must give His Word a chance. He will prove Himself in His way and in His time if we allow Him. Give up on yourself and give in to Him.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

It's Up To Me

It's real tough, sometimes, to realize the smell of your own stinch. When you finally come to the realization that the awful smell you've complained about so long is actually your own fault. There is no one to blame but yourself. I feel that way now about myself. I have long prayed and prayed and prayed about the lack of spiritual maturity present in my life. I sincerely doubt that God would withhold growth in my life. It's my understanding that He actually desires for us to grow closer to Him and that we are the ones so resistant. Paul explained that he was frustrated as a result of doing the things that he didn't want to do. That nearly sums up my feelings. I definitely have a desire inside my heart to honor the Lord with the character of my life. The problem is that there are many instances (that occur regularly) that I find myself ashamed, frustrated, and regretful because I acted in an unGodly manner. Sin is horrible. No matter the person, the form, or the degree - sin is an awful thing to deal with. God is faithful to free us from the grip of sin so I know that it is not His fault that I wrestle with it so. It's up to me to determine what action I am not taking and then take it. I desire to honor God and live in His Will. In order to do that I must develop a pure hatred of all sin and strip it from my life. Jesus died and rose for this very thing. I must understand the power that I possess through His death and, with the Holy Spirit, overcome this awful stinch in my life. Please give me the boldness to stare temptation in the face and overcome. I pray for courage to fight when its overwhelming and to never give in or give up. Help me to be brave for You - my King, my Jesus.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Where do I begin? It's been a very long time since I last expressed my thoughts on this journal. I've been very busy with school, church, BCM, and everything else life can throw at me. Confusion is only the tip of the iceberg. I have tons of questions that I wish I had answers. Perhaps the only thing to do is the one thing that I should have been busy doing all along - seeking the Lord. If I seriously took Him at His word then I would be able to put my doubts, questions, and worries in His control. Ultimately there is absolutely nothing I can do apart from Him. I have to believe, according to my faith and His promises, that He has my best interest at hand. His heart longs for the very best in my life. Anything less, would be out of His character. I suppose I should refocus my life, my being, my purpose to figuring out Him, His being, and His purpose in my life. I believe I will never be joyful, content, or fully alive unless I completely give myself over to Him.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


It's never easy accomplishing something worthwhile. I suppose if great accomplishments were achieved easily more people would be great and greatness would be less, well, great. What constitutes greatness? Who fits the profile? Are great people born, made, or do they simply find themselves in the right place at the right time? Greatness is defined as ususual or considerable in degree; remarkable; and of noble or lofty character. Synonymns include words like eminent, renowned, and illustrious. When thinking of people who fit these characteristics names that come to mind include Gandhi, Cal Ripken Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Lance Armstrong, and the like. Jesus outshines them all. All these names, and all others, must tip their caps in His direction. He was revolutionary, passionate, determined, humble, selfless, and courageous. He is the definition of greatness. His life is the living example of the ultimate human life. For sure, He is beyond compare. No other person will ever be able to hold a candle to the flame of a life that He lived. The craziest thing about His life is that I believe He never lived a single moment of it for Himself. Every breath He took was devoted to the God the Father. He committed His Being to the holy purpose of glorifying God. Most all people struggle with the thought of living their only life in devotion to another. People assume that life is about making themselves as happy, content, successful, loved, and rich as possible. But not Jesus. He understood that the greatest purpose for any person is to be wholly devoted to God. Our world is starving for people to grab on to this truth. The time for selfless devotion is now. God has called His people to be just that - His people. Not their own people interested and consumed with their own things. God longs for hearts sold out to Him. The world needs to see this devotion lived out among them. Many people are too stubborn to read His Word and give His Truth a chance. Those same people should see Christians as living examples. When will this happen? When we decide that He is worth it. The time is now.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness; light; and where there is sadness; joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

~Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

This is my one life - my only chance, so to speak. Here there are no second chances. I am unable to turn back time and relive any events. I must take full advantage of every breath and live to my fullest potential. It's now January 3, 2007. Life seems to fly. I am 23 years old and as I reflect on the decisions I have made it's clear that I can be more like Christ. Every moment Christ lived He was focused on the BIG PICTURE. He was able to forget Himself and live a life of complete devotion to God. I desire in my heart to be as devoted to my Maker.

God's Grace is more precious and valuable than anything I could ever ask for. I realize the inability for man to save himself and how salvation comes only from the priceless blood of Jesus. Without His love I would be hopeless. He choose to love me in spite of all the horrible decisions I have made. Regardless of my insufficiencies Jesus lived and died because He realized that His sacrifice was the only way to atone for my sin. Thank You - Savior.

This year I plan to be more devoted to the cause for Christ than I have ever been before in my life. I yearn to become an intimate friend with Jesus. I want to have a faith that is unshakeable in any and every circumstance. I desire to have a contagious commitment to the Lord of Glory. I long to know Jesus better than I ever have.

Proverbs 16:3 reads: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed". The aim of my soul is to love God. I commit this to You - My Father, My Savior, My Friend. Thank You for loving me.