Friday, December 10, 2010

1 Gift - 2 People

This is awesome. I love when people put their creative thinking to work and use it to solve dilemmas in our world. There are so many ways we can make positive impacts in our cultures, societies, and around the planet that it really is a shame we don't do it more often. Well, here is a solid way to make an impact while turning on the light in another person's brain. Check out the website and do some reading. Read what the organization's purpose is and ask yourself, "How much would I really appreciate a clean, fresh gallon of water? Especially if there was no clean water available?" Now, get busy helping other people and provide for a major need in their life. Water. It's just water. But for millions of folks water is not just water. It's precious. Do yourself a favor this month: Buy some water from the Maji Water website and pour into another person's life. Give some bottles of Maji Water to friends and family for Christmas and get them on board, too. Heck, make it your Christmas tradition. While you're out making a difference buying water for others remember what Christ has done for you, "Whoever drinks the of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." Buy water from Maji Water.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dude! It's a Double-Rainbooooowwwww! What does it mean?

This video had me cracking up! I couldn't stop laughing and the guys that watched with me were seriously crying because it is so funny! The guy who video's this is something different to say the least, but in a way I can't blame him for his reaction to what he sees. Think about this: Romans 1:20 explains that we will be able to experience a little bit of the goodness of God through His creation. While this guy certainly seems to be enthralled by the beauty of the rainbow I don't think it is out of the question for humans to sometimes become overwhelmed with the beauty of God's creation. Plus this is just a hilarious video. Have fun.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today calls for a little encouragement. This silly, uplifting video should do the trick. The little girl in the video is a good reminder of the attitude we all need to have. Even when times are tough, like not being able to look in the mirror unless your stand on the counter, you can rest assured that are some really good things going on in life. I hope that I can rid myself of negativity on a regular basis and count my many, many blessings. God is a wonderful Father and every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Are there things that you are thankful for? Are there areas in life you've felt defeated lately? Well kick that defeated attitude to the curb and begin this self-affirmation activity ASAP! We all need do this!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Incredible Video: McDonald's/Coca Cola Classic

Here's an incredible video. The video is found on Lanny Donoho's website: ( I can't imagine how much time and energy went into making this thing! I wish I had the equipment and know-how to pull off something like this! Watch it and be amazed. It will make you appreciate cool videos all the more.

By the way, for all of you nay-sayers who think this type of stuff is for the birds, you should be aware of the fact that McDonald's and Coca Cola Classic just hired this team. The fast food/soda company duo asked the team to produce a commercial featuring their stellar use of T-Shirts and same actors. I'd say that's quite the pay day. See Video Here:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lanny Donoho and

Now that my summer is free from the stresses of seminary classes I am attempting to be more diligent in the area of blogging. I had planned to make a witty blog based on the World Cup, particularly the now famed use of the "vuvuzela". However, that post is being postponed due to some much richer information being provided by my good friend, Adam. He introduced me to a website: This website is sweet. The brains behind the movement is Lanny Donoho (pictured above). I think that the light bulb located between his first and last name is more than appropriate. He has such an innovative mind for practical, impactful ministry. Take the following video for example:

It's clear to see his heart for those less fortunate. But what's more is that he doesn't stop with just a strong sense of compassion, he follows up with a strong sense of activism. Let's face it, people's lives will not be changed if we only feel compassion towards. We must put those feelings into movement and be intentional about seeking the proper measures to engage their problems head on. Thanks Lanny for constantly pushing the limits and providing a worthwhile example.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Information from Fellow Pastor

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Central Theme

Christ died on the Cross, in our place, as requested by the Father, setting us free from the eternal curse that we brought upon ourselves, as an expression of His love, then overcame death by raising Himself from the grave, conquering Satan and sin, proving His deity and holiness so that we might believe. This must remain central in our hearts and cannot be forsaken or replaced with any other notion. Minimizing this truth is to mock the central theme of the gospel.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back from Mission

I have been back from Mission, TX for a few days now and decided to make the time for a little update on our ventures. We were very blessed as a church to partake in the gospel in such a powerful way. Our church led numerous projects which provided platforms for us to share the gospel. These projects included women's spa days, pouring concrete, painting houses and churches, soccer clinics, vacation Bible schools, literacy drives, and block parties. I was privileged to join the construction crew and we were assigned the task of building bathhouses for two families. The families needing the bathrooms were otherwise bathing outside under a water house. One family had 3 kids and the other had 4. Needless to say they were in quite a desperate situation. The trip gave me the opportunity to reflect on the many blessings I have been given. One of the big questions I had ask myself was whether or not I would devote myself to God given the same circumstance. Do I serve Him because He has blessed me or do I serve because of who He is? I must be careful not to serve out of the abundance of blessing, for there in lies the trap and lie of prosperity gospel. What if the blessings stop coming from God? Does my loyalty to Him then cease as well? No. It must not. Then I only love God for His gifts and not His love. We all need to make sure that we are serving for the right reasons. How bitter would you be if you couldn't even afford a bathroom for your wife and 4 kids?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mission 2 Mission

I will be leaving with about 50 other people from our church bright and early in the morning headed for a town in south Texas called Mission. Ironically enough, we are calling this a mission trip. Mission to Mission. Yep, ironic. Last year's trip proved to be fruitful and eye-opening as I trust this year's experience will be much the same. It is a great privilege to be able to serve in this capacity and I am filled with mixed emotions. God will do great things through this little trip and I am thankful that He has made this possible. Be in prayer for the recipients of the gospel for they are a huge part of our motivation. Also, pray for our hearts to be aligned with God's Spirit in order that we would represent Him well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Project Rescue

I have not made time for a post in a while, but this bit of information was too good to overlook. There are lots and lots of ways for us to spend our money, whether we invest in our 401k, go to a movie, or donate to charity. I recently came across what seems to be a very worthwhile charity, but don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself: The organization strives to help the victims of sex trade. Their website is certainly worth a look. And while you're at it why not see what you can to do help? You just might help change a life.