Tomorrow, just after lunch, I will take off from Dallas, TX headed for Solid Rock Bible Camp just outside Great Bend, Kansas! This is a great opportunity for me to share the Truth of Christ with some eager middle school students in an environment perfect for spiritual growth. Getting outdoors and surrounding myself with God's creation does wonders for my soul (as I think it does for most people). This camp offers plenty of time for students and staff to get outdoors and play lots of group games, hit the swimming pool, and even go horseback riding. I will be speaking throughout the week and praying for God's Word to work on all of our hearts. As is normally case, I am filled with anxiousness and excitement as I get all my ducks in a row for the students. For some reason preaching always tends to work me in a frenzy! I am reminded, though, that God will be faithful to do His thing and that I need not sweat the small stuff. This week should be a blast, but I also pray that it will be fruitful. My mission and prayer is to lead the students to a more faithful life, one in which they realize the priceless value of the Cross and engage their hearts fully in God. I hope you will take a moment to join with me in this prayer for these students. May their hearts become fully alive and pleasing to Him!