Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Measure up. Almost sounds like cowboy up. I can almost hear Christ saying those very words. Cowboy up. I seriously doubt Christ intended His church - His Bride - to be a bunch of pansies. Yet everytime I give into my flesh and commit sin I feel just like one. A pansy. Is that what the Lord of Lords sees when He looks at me? I know He is able to look past all of my insufficiencies, but where does one draw the line? Paul completely opposed the idea of giving into the power of sin even though God's grace is sufficient. He also said that he is a victim of "pansification". He did the things that he did not need to do. I am frustrated with myself for loosing sight. I lack discipline and focus. The Word notes that if we truly love our God then we must obey Him. No if's, and's, or but's. Do I lack a true love for Jesus? I think not. But I am a victim of selfishness. And of that I am ashamed. Sin is a very shameful thing. That's what I hate most about it. It makes me ashamed to call myself a Christian. To bare the name of the One who defeated sin once and for all. Why can't I? I have His power, His love, His name. I have His strength and courage to do battle against the enemy. Why do I make excuses? Do I further annoy the Lord by dwelling on mistakes? I feel as though I should let go of my inadequacies completely unto Him so that He can free me from the burden of sin. His love endures forever. Love is an action, not an emotion. I must focus on His grace and not my failure as a follower. True, I hate sin. I hate the results of it. I hate its ability to discourage. Nothing good can come from sin. Jesus I thank You for your victory over the power of sin. You fought brilliantly for an entire life to prove that by leaning on God the Father we can be set free. I pray that You would light an eternal flame inside my soul that can never be extinguished. Let this flame burn only for You for You are worthy of my praise. Only You can make atonement for my sin and only You can bridge the way from me to the Father. Thank You God for sending Jesus as a sacrifice. I may never understand how rich your love is for me. I can see Your love exemplified in the life of Jesus and I can never ask for anything more than the sacrifice you made for me. Thank You for offering me a chance to have abundant Life. I don't think I have even begun to tap into the wellspring of life that You promise to those that love You. I desire more than the oridinary, more than the status quo, more than just enough to get by. God, I desire to be like You. Not in the sense of power and majesty, but in the sense of holiness. You declared for us to be holy as You are holy. I suppose that holiness is only accessible through deep communion with You. That is the heart of my prayer. To be closer to you than I could possibly imagine at this moment. I don't have any idea of what a deep friendship with you is like. I want it so bad. God thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for your love. I am very unworthy of all that you offer and I am sincerely grateful.
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