The Winds Will Blow
There are moments, days, weeks, or possibly even longer periods of time when life has a tendency to get tough. One person has said, "In life we can't determine the direction of the wind - we can only adjust our sails." How true! Life can be marked and measured with the trials and hardships a person encounters. Some have suggested that actually it is the rough times that need to be embraced, not spurned. Case in point: The Holy Spirit led Christ into the wilderness. He purposely led Him into a time of difficulty and testing. After 960 hours (40 days and nights) of intense focus He wasn't merely relieved of His wilderness experience. Instead, the tough got tougher as He was severely blindsided (if God can be such) and battled by the nemesis. And through all of the trials, hardships, tests, and battles God the Father was glorified. Jesus adjusted His sails, so to speak, to ensure that His ship stayed the course. We must do the same. The course is narrow and frought with its share of wild - but what good what a life be if it were only filled with smooth sailings? As another man has said, "Smooth seas don't make skilled sailors." The winds will blow - how will you respond?
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