Michael McLendon killed 11 people (including himself) on Tuesday, March 12.
It confuses me and breaks my heart - partly for the families of the deceased, the community, the friends - and partly for Michael. The investigators have yet to find a motive and doubt that they will. I am no psychologist or personality profiler, but I would wager that Michael McLendon had reached a point of hopelessness. A life without hope will take desperate measures. My last message was in response to the murder of a church pastor, husband, and father who was shot in cold blood while standing in the pulpit of his church of more than 20 years. I am also aware that there has been a school shooting in Germany just this week.
A confused, hopeless boy, Tim Kretschmer, entered his high school armed and prepared for murder. After killing 9 students and 3 teachers he fled killing more civilians on his spree. Finally, just like shooter Michael McLendon, he took his own life. He was 17. Once more I grieve for the school, the community, and the family members affected by this awful event - but also grieve for Tim. How awful he must interpret his life in order to even think of something so breathtaking.
Again, I am not qualified to even hypothesize as to the reasons these two people resorted to such extreme measures. But part of me wants to say that they lived lives with no hope. Some German investigators have claimed that 17-year old Tim was simply taking out his frustrations on women as a result of not having any luck with girls (of course this is not verified). Either way, I feel in my heart that if these fellows possessed the supernatural love and hope of our Savior these events would have been avoided.
I am thankful that regardless of all the evil actions of this world I have hope in my Jesus. I know that if I were to wake one day without my car, my home, my health, my family, my wife, my church, my friends, my country or anything else...I can bank on Him. He will never leave me or forsake me.
I think of Christ word's on the Cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Many claim that Christ was forsaken by God the Father - I believe that this is perhaps one of the biggest blunders in modern Christian thought. God is omnipresent, omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omniscient, faithful, and true to His word. Just as He told Moses and Joshua that He would never leave or forsake them He tells us (Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:5, and Deuteronomy 31:6 & 8). Why would He claim such acts of loyalty only to set a contrary example with His own Son? I don't believe He would. I believe, rather, that Jesus was pointing us back to God's faithfulness when He uttered those words on the Cross. Psalm 22 is an incredible example of what it means to count on God even when it seems that all hope is lost. I am thankful that even when Christ was dying for my sins He realized that His Father "has not hidden His face from Him" and "listened to His cry for help" (Psalm 22:24). And I am thankful that He promises to be there for me.
When the world seems to be falling apart I can count on my God to hold me till the end.
I am never forsaken.
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