So there's this advertisement not far from my apartment that reads, "You only live once. Make sure it's enough." The product they're trying to sell is Dos Equis. I'm not real sure why that statement is supposed to make me want to buy beer, but it does give me something worthwhile to think about.
When I think about "living enough" many ideas come to mind: Am I actively pursuing my life dreams? Am living without regrets? Am I taking risks? Am I being the husband I promised I'd be? Am I living a life that glorifies Christ? That last question, to me, is by far the most important.
Or maybe let's look at the way Rick Warren puts in his most famous work The Purpose Driven Life: "The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God. It is the reason for everything that exists, including you." With his words in mind the question now becomes, "Am I living to show the the glory God?"
In order for me to accurately show God's glory I would first have to know God. Check. Next, comes the part that is less comfortable. In order for me to show the world how incredible God is I must loose sight of the lame person that I am. As long as my eyes are selfishly fixed on me I'll never see God's glory much less translate it for the world to see. This is a place that few people linger, though we should. We should spend diligent time in the arena wrestling with ourselves if only to destroy our pride and ego's. After that mission is complete (which it never is) can we successfully move forward with honorable duty of making much of the one true King.
How is God glorified? Glad you asked. God is glorified the most in us when we are satisfied the most in Him. At least that's what Piper has to say on the subject. And I like his simplification. The quest now rests with us being supremely satisfied in Him, His love, His works and making Him known to the world. After all, He is the world's most interesting Man/God/Spirit.
Are you living enough?
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