Tuesday, January 9, 2007


It's never easy accomplishing something worthwhile. I suppose if great accomplishments were achieved easily more people would be great and greatness would be less, well, great. What constitutes greatness? Who fits the profile? Are great people born, made, or do they simply find themselves in the right place at the right time? Greatness is defined as ususual or considerable in degree; remarkable; and of noble or lofty character. Synonymns include words like eminent, renowned, and illustrious. When thinking of people who fit these characteristics names that come to mind include Gandhi, Cal Ripken Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Lance Armstrong, and the like. Jesus outshines them all. All these names, and all others, must tip their caps in His direction. He was revolutionary, passionate, determined, humble, selfless, and courageous. He is the definition of greatness. His life is the living example of the ultimate human life. For sure, He is beyond compare. No other person will ever be able to hold a candle to the flame of a life that He lived. The craziest thing about His life is that I believe He never lived a single moment of it for Himself. Every breath He took was devoted to the God the Father. He committed His Being to the holy purpose of glorifying God. Most all people struggle with the thought of living their only life in devotion to another. People assume that life is about making themselves as happy, content, successful, loved, and rich as possible. But not Jesus. He understood that the greatest purpose for any person is to be wholly devoted to God. Our world is starving for people to grab on to this truth. The time for selfless devotion is now. God has called His people to be just that - His people. Not their own people interested and consumed with their own things. God longs for hearts sold out to Him. The world needs to see this devotion lived out among them. Many people are too stubborn to read His Word and give His Truth a chance. Those same people should see Christians as living examples. When will this happen? When we decide that He is worth it. The time is now.

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